Beauty & Appearance

Confidence, energy, mood, and health is often largely impacted by the way that we feel about ourselves. Pressure to be fit, to wear the latest fashion, to look a certain way… Ultimately, we should be happy with ourselves in our current state with the will to continue making incremental improvements.


Fitness involves caring for your body and promoting physical and mental well-being. Physically fit and mentally sharp. Achieving fitness requires regular exercise, a balanced diet, sufficient rest, diligence, and a healthy lifestyle. It encompasses activities that strengthen muscles, boost endurance, improve cardiovascular health, enhance flexibility, and maintain a healthy body composition. It’s one of the core verticals of wellness so let’s get this right!

Social Media Wellness

Let’s face it – we’re in the digital age and most of us either want to or need to use social media. Aside from the “good” stuff, we are unconsciously processing more unwanted and potentially negative inbound correspondence than ever. While we love our social network apps, an unwanted side effect for many of us has been created due to pervasive content, passive aggressive behaviors of some community members, and embellishment of reality by the masses. Constant exposure to social media platforms can amplify the real-world pressures and challenges we face in our daily lives, potentially affecting our overall well-being in a negative fashion. As a community, we can help one another to develop a healthier relationship with our beloved apps and the online communities that have become central to our lives.

Financial Wellness

Financial well-being is essential for managing finances, navigating economic situations, and reducing stress. It impacts our decisions, relationships, and overall stability. Prioritizing financial health ensures a prosperous and fulfilling life, enabling us to cope with challenges and contribute positively to our communities.