Frequently Asked

It’s important to remember that social media often showcases curated lives and idealized images. To manage stress caused by comparison, focus on self-acceptance, set boundaries for social media use, practice gratitude, and engage in activities that boost self-esteem and confidence.

To reduce screen time and establish a healthy balance, consider setting designated periods for social media use, implementing technology breaks, engaging in offline activities, prioritizing face-to-face interactions, and finding alternative hobbies that don’t involve screens.

Protecting your mental health on social networks involves various strategies. These include curating your social media feed to follow accounts that inspire and uplift you, limiting exposure to negative content, practicing digital detoxes, seeking support from online communities, and nurturing real-life connections.

Specific stress management techniques for social networks include practicing mindfulness to stay present and avoid mindless scrolling, engaging in physical activity or hobbies that distract from online stressors, seeking support from online communities, and setting realistic expectations for oneself in the digital realm.

To promote healthy digital well-being, establish clear rules and boundaries around screen time, foster open communication about social media’s impact, educate children about responsible online behavior, encourage offline activities and hobbies, and lead by example by practicing mindful and balanced social media use.